“What in the world are you thinking about?” Ask no further, annavital has done a visual summary (is it a mandala?) looking at backlinks, searches and other methods that expose the curious group-crowd-cloud mind of the internet.

The graphic does a nice job of prioritizing content, and a human head is, after all said and done, the simplest way to humanize this collection. I’m not quite sure if it is prioritized in descending order based on how high up in the head the factoid or statement is listed, and each item has a image that isn’t much larger or smaller than another, so, again, I would assume the ranking goes from top to bottom.

The circles do have a correlation where size = number, so that does help us to judge what gets more Facebook likes, if you chose to accept that as a value to use to judge what people are thinking about, as far as the month of February 2015 goes.

If you’d like to explore further, there is an interactive version at:


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