CreditKarma has an infographic up that attempts to show a connection between email providers and credit ratings, showing average credit scores, debt amounts, and ontime payments.

You may have kept your AOL account since receiving a free disc in the 90’s, signed up for Yahoo! in college, got a Gmail invite, or moved to Comcast when you finally installed broadband, but what does it say about you? When categorized by email provider, the credit score and debt averages of users begins to tell a story. Do Gmail users take on larger mortgages? Do Yahoo! users have lower credit card limits? Credit Karma takes a closer look at how users of the most popular email providers stack up.

It’s a neat graphic, but the epitome of “Correlation does not imply Causation.”.  Case in point: ComCast users have the highest average credit score (692), but also the highest average total debt ($149,000).  How can this be?  You have to read the fine print: “People with zero debt are not included in the averages”.

What Does Your Email Provider Say About You? | Credit Karma Blog. via Cool Infographics