Gaming has long-been the driving force behind computer video capabilities, but for the last few years it has somewhat stalled.  Graphics Cards get bigger and faster, but the games utilize less and less of the new features to widen their audience. Games like World of Warcraft, probably the most successful PC game in existence run easily on hardware from 3 years ago.  So what’s driving the next generation of Video Hardware?  Rob Enderle believe it’s Online Video.

However while desktop requirements stalled Internet performance requirements started to spike. Visual high-definition content on the Web was driving that spike. iTunes YouTube More about YouTube Hulu and most recently OnLive started showcasing ways to do some amazing things with Internet services. While the others are interesting OnLive is an eye opener. Here s a gaming service that promises you can play any game via the Internet and it demonstrates how well it works with one of the most performance-intensive games on the planet “Crysis.”

via Technology News: Tech Buzz: The Coming Visual Computing Revolution.