Blunty was able to get some hands-on time playing with the Nintendo 3DS. Unfortunately, he was only able to show video of it in 2-D mode. Why? Because Nintendo asked him to, of course. Showing it in 3-D mode would look weird since he is shooting the video with a 2-D camera, and we are watching on 2-D YouTube. Still, it is an interesting review, even if we cannot see it in 3-D.

Going hands-on with the Nintendo 3DS, which will be releasing soon, for a first impressions review of the hardware, the built in software, and even trying the backwards compatibility with Pokemon on 3DS

Blunty3000 gets some play time with the as yet unreleased successor to the DS, the 3DS.
Playing with the built in software including the Mii maker, some Augmented reality gaming using an AR card, Face Raiders using the cameras and the motion sensors, and even popping a DS game into the 3DS, Pokemon to see how the backwards compatibility does.

via : Nintendo 3DS – Hands On‬ (+ playing Pokemon on 3DS)