intel-fireA new whitepaper from Intel shows how you can use the new Intel Smoke Framework, a multi-threaded game engine, to create procedurally generated trees and fire for a burning forest.

The Tree and Fire Systems are part of the Intel Smoke Framework, a multi-threaded game engine.  Procedurally generated trees and procedurally generated fire were inspired by the need to generate a virtual burning forest.

To animate a burning forest, you must illustrate many natural variables. To be convincing, procedurally generated content must be predictable and consistent, yet must also have believable variation. This paper explores the implementation of the Tree and Fire Systems for procedurally generated trees and the procedurally generated fire. It also describes the creation and implementation of the grammar and parser used to create the trees, as well as examining the Fire System which uses the Smart Particle Engine to set the trees on fire.

Procedural Trees and Procedural Fire Wp – final1 1_rose.pdf (application/pdf Object).