hominitFor PBS’s new “Becoming Human” documentaries, Viktor Deak got the job of sculpting the 3D bodies of the hominid’s.  He talks to Wired Magazine about his process and how it differs from his previous experiences with physical clay.

For Becoming Human, he worked with ZBrush, a 3-D modeling program that lets him work with the sculpture in even greater detail. “The nuances of the skin, the way light scatters underneath it, they figured all that out,” he said of the program’s naturalism. “There’s no limitation on what you can do, as long as your machine can handle it.” He poses his sculptures in desired position, then renders it with different materials and lighting. The renderings are then sent to Photoshop, layered and tweaked for maximum realism.

via 3-D Renderings Bring Ancient Hominids to Life | Wired Science | Wired.com.