art-theory-mapR.C.Hoetzlein has a great timeline infographic that shows the evolution and relationships of art, new media, science, technology, and war.  It shows alot of great details, like:

  • Consumer Art, including comics, animation and video games
  • A few key artists are shown for each movement.
  • Rise of the avante-garde in Europe, and Rise of science in America, shown as increasing gray bars.
  • Major wars shown in red, with thickness roughly indicating number of lives lost. (Eg. World War I = 16 million. World War II = 65 million)
  • Major theories in other fields impacting art, including Saussure’s linguistics, Freud & Jung’s psychology, and Barthe, Strauss & Burnham’s semiotics.
  • Media theorists (at top), including Walter Benjamin, Marshal McLuhan, Greenberg, Virilio and Manovich.
  • Important moments in 20th. science (at bottom)
  • World population increases for every 1 billion people.

ART Timeline via ART Timeline – Chart Porn.