ars-electronicaThe Ars Electronica Festival is coming up, September 3-8, and Information Aesthetics has a great writeup on some of the infovis and datavis projects that will be on display.

The famous Ars Electronica Festival turns 30 this year. The topic of the festival is Human Nature and my expectation is to see several discussions and talks focusing on desires and achievements of Humankind in relation to technology, art and society.

On the festival website it is stated: “We are entering a new age here on Earth: the Anthropocene. An age definitively characterized by humankind’s massive and irreversible influences on our home planet. Population explosion, climate change, the poisoning of the environment and our venturing into outer space have been the most striking symbols of this development so far.”

via Ars Electronica ’09: Quick Look on Visualization Projects – information aesthetics.