Ddaden_secondlifeaden Limited has worked in data acquisition and visualization technologies for several years, but yesterday announced a new tool called “DataScape”, a virtual environment for managing multiple streams of incoming data simultaneously.  Built on top of Second Life, it’s a 3D environment that allows users to manipulate maps, geographic data, CCTV and webcam feeds, RSS and Twitter feeds, and various other remote sensing technologies within a single virtual world.

“We are particularly keen to see how such spaces can provide collaborative responsive planning centers for natural disasters and humanitarian emergencies allow representatives from NGOs Governments and communities around the world to meet and plan in virtual space in a way that was previously only available to the military and intelligence agencies.” While Datascape is currently only compliant with the Second Life platform Burden told Virtual Worlds News he “may look at ActiveWorlds next.”

A video showing an older version of the DataScape product for Aircraft tracking can be seen after the break.

via Virtual Worlds News: Daden Develops Virtual War Room.