The Animation Guild is trying very hard to correct some of the wrongs in the VFX and animation industry, but they need support and help from animators and members if it’s to work.  To help with this, they just sent out a lengthy email with a few ideas, and the announcment that they have hired Steve Kaplan as their new Organizer to help in the effort.

The Animation Guild is getting more proactive working with non-signator animation studios in Southern California. To that end, we’ve recently hired Steve Kaplan, a veteran visual effects artist, as our new Organizer.

There are a number of medium-sized shops doing work for the entertainment conglomerates, and it is our plan and goal to bring as many as possible into the Guild’s family of studios.

We encourage our members to take whatever work they can to stay employed and in the industry, and we fully understand that many of us work at non-signator studios from time to time. Unfortunately, not all studios are aware of the benefits to them of becoming part of our family.

So, we’d like your assistance. If you are currently working non-union, contact Steve Kaplan or Steve Hulett and let us know where you are working and what project you are working on.

The Guild has never nor will ever have a problem with its members remaining employed. Our aim is to provide a seamless cloak of portable health and pension benefits for everyone in animation.

Respond to these e-mail addresses and help us help you to get the contractual benefits you deserve.

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

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