has an article up claiming to have an inside source on the Intel Larrabee engineering team that claims news of Larrabee’s death has been greatly exaggerated.

“We were literally hundreds of people, Intel picked some really big hitters and a lot of those people are still hovering around waiting for Larrabee to come online again,” he said.

And when it does resurface, don’t expect it to be poorly bunged together, either. According to our source, some disgruntled ex-Larrabee project employees had been actively spreading fud and lies, leaking bad information to press about Larrabee’s technical capabilities.

Frankly, the article doesn’t say anything we don’t already know.  I don’t think anyone in their right minds believes it is truly dead, and even Intel claimed that it was first going to transition it to a parallelism SDK before returning to the original hardware strategy.  The fact that ‘hundreds of people’ were involved doesn’t mean much, and that they’re ‘hovering around waiting for Larrabee to come online again’ means (to me) that it has been shelved temporarily and hasn’t changed since the SC09 demo.

The real question is will Larrabee come ‘out of the gate’ ready to stomp AMD & NVidia, or will it be playing a distant second (or third) fiddle to existing GPGPU technology?

via Intel’s Larrabee to do a Lazarus | Chips news | TechEye – All the technology news unfit for print.