Over in Russia, a new entry into the ever-growing augmented reality space comes in the form of a special Motorcycle helmet.

Designed in Russia, the unique helmet design features a head-mounted display with a full-color, translucent picture projected directly onto the visor. An on-board light sensor adjusts the image brightness and translucency based on the exterior light environment. Also on-board are a G-sensor, gyroscope, digital compass, and a Siri-like voice recognition system for asking where the nearest gas station or Italian cafe is. Hitting the scales at 1.4 kg, the helmet is comparable to existing motorcycle helmets on the market–a big factor for long-distance riders. The on-board navigation system is powered by Navteq while the voice commands are handled by Nuance.

It’s a fascinating idea, although I have to wonder how beneficial this would be to motorcycle drivers.  It’s always seemed to me that motorcycles require a much higher level of focus that an automobile, and anything in the field of view would be a distraction.

via SolidSmack.com – LiveMap: The Augmented Reality Motorcycle Helmet of the Future?.