The U.S. Military was one of the big consumers of the Second Life Enterprise Beta project, the “Virtual World On A Blade” project from Linden Labs that allowed people to run their own Virtual Worlds within their own networks.  It was particularly attractive to the Military because they could then lock it down to their own DoD security restrictions, unlike other “public” virtual worlds.  With it existing no more, the U.S. Army has released a parallel project named ‘MOSES’ (Military Open Simulator Enterprise Strategy) for all the orphaned developers.

Priority will be given to technology and / or military testing. “It doesn’t have to be a military project,” explains Maxwell. “If you’re developing or evolving some cool new kind of technology, like bots, for example, that would be clearly relevant to the MOSES mission.”

So far, Maxwell has assigned 18 sims for Air Force use and 4 sims for Navy use. Another 4 sims have gone to private research firms and several to individual qualified researchers. “I will keep assigning MOSES resources until they run out,” says Maxwell.

via U.S. Army Offers MOSES 3D Web System for Non-Army Researchers « Sitearm.