It’s been a long time coming, but AMD and NVidia have finally traded an olive branch and soon you’ll be able to drop your NVidia GPU’s in SLI configuration on an AMD-powered motherboard.

“Long term gamers probably remember that for a long time AMD offered great high-end CPUs, but in recent years, AMD’s stature as the preferred gaming CPU fell by the wayside and Intel CPUs have been the gamers’ choice. For this reason, we’ve only licensed SLI for motherboards with Intel chipsets,” Nvidia explains. “However, we’ve been recently hearing chants of “SLI for AMD CPUs”, and figured that now is a great time to do it.”

This is great for budget gamers, as AMD chipsets are typically a lot cheaper than their Intel counterparts and perform just as well (if not better in many cases), and matching them with NVidia GPU’s will make for some amazing gaming systems.

via Nvidia and AMD Hug It Out, SLI Coming to AMD Motherboards! – HotHardware.