V-Ray 2.0 brings some awesome features to the table, but hasnt’ made it out to the Maya crowd yet.  In fact, they’ve just announced a new “Beta” program for Maya users, bringing all the V-Ray RT, Python callbacks, and fancy shaders to the users.

Hailed by many as the preeminent rendering engine for Maya, V-Ray for Maya is about to see a significant increase in power! On March 30th, the V-Ray for Maya 2.0 upgrade will begin its much anticipated Beta testing, with a tentative release at the end of April 2011.

Join the V-Ray 2.0 for Maya Beta Program and be among the first to test this advanced rendering technology for all Maya users. It’s your help and feedback that will make this product even better.

via Chaos Group / Chaos Software official website – home – V-Ray® – award winning, production-ready 3D rendering solutions.