Another win for NVidia in the VFX and CUDA space comes from Double Negative, who found their proprietary fluid simulation system “Squirt” getting a nice 20x performance boost.

“Moving our fluid solver onto the GPU allows our artists to get the results of their simulations back much faster, without any impact to their workflow,” explained Dan Bailey, lead GPU developer, Double Negative. “By default, fluid simulations are now sent to a specialized GPU farm, affording the artists more time to iterate and ramp up the complexity of a shot to achieve a more believable result for the big screen.”

It took 6 months of hard work to complete the transition, and the 20x number they’re seeing isn’t even using a Quadro4000 (Fermi-based).  Just wait until they upgrade to see the numbers then.

via DNeg Accelerating Visual Effects with NVIDIA Quadro and CUDA « NVIDIA.