Venkatraman.S has a new prototype visualization technique he calls ‘ChronoDrop’, an interesting combination of timelines and spatial maps to represent the timing of certain events across various timelines.

I always liked Subway Maps – they are easy to understand and also look visually pleasing. And then i stumbled on the following visualization wherein Subway Maps are used to show the Acquisitions that Google had made over the past few years. The graph does look good, and shows the domain of the firm by color coding the ‘route’.

But this graph suffers from a BIG defect : it does not show the ‘time’ factor; as in, we do not know the sequence in which Google acquired the companies. Also, it does not show the amount shelled out by Google in acquiring each of the firms. And I wanted to rectify this by choosing a better medium.

via Origin > Identity > Destiny: ChronoDrop – Visualizing Events.