A special thanks today to some of the VizWorld Sponsors, without which I wouldn’t be able to continue to bring you the great news, insights, and fun finds here on a daily basis.

Kitware is a leading provider of data visualization software SDK’s and software, with such well-known products as VTK, ITK, and ParaView under their belt. They have locations in multiple states in the US and across the world, with experts in data visualization, computational geometry, and interactive rendering technologies.

Tableau Software creator of some great data visualization software and the new Tableau Public free online data visualization package. Simply take your data over to the Tableau Public site and try out their great interactive visualization tools.

Lightworks is the creator of the Lightworks Rendering engine, core of several CAD and Modeling packages. With their new tool Lightworks Artisan they’ve expanded into the consumer space with a great high-quality renderer that works with several modeling packages and formats, enabling a whole new class of high-quality visualizations.

is the Public Relations firm for many companies in the computer graphics and visualization spaces, with clients like Craft Animation and NVidia under their belt. A well-known name in the industry, they have many years of experience and expertise with the intricacies of the computer graphics industry.

At the Strata2011 Conference
, you’ll find intensely practical sessions for both business users and hardcore technologists; success stories (and cautionary tales) from startups that are making data their business and also established companies that are saving millions and creating new revenue streams; great networking opportunities; and keynotes that snap the big picture into focus.

If you want to join the list of VizWorld sponsors, then check out our Advertising Page for information.