Over at BenchmarkReviews they put the new “Call of Duty Black Ops” ProGaming Glasses through their paces.  The glasses are actually just rebranded Gunnar’s, glasses specifically made for extended computer usage through colored lenses & special construction.  I’ve been eying a pair of Gunnars for quite some time, although I would need prescription ones which seem to clock in around $400 or more, but his final conclusion does make it a bit more tempting.

Would I pay $79.99 for a pair of glasses that improve clarity and reduce eye strain? Before experiencing the positive effects first hand, I would have certainly been skeptical. However, in the aftermath of several sixteen hour days behind my computer while wearing the Mad Catz Call of Duty: Black Ops ProGaming glasses, I would gladly pay the asking price without thinking twice. If it were an option, I would also go back and ask my expensive laser eye surgeon to give me a Mad Catz ProGaming Riddick-style shine job… which cost a lot more than twenty menthol Kools.

So, $80 vs $400 is still a big difference, but I’m glad to hear they actually do most of what they claim.

Mad Catz CoD: Black Ops ProGaming Glasses | Mad Catz,ProGaming,Call of Duty: Black Ops,Glasses,Review,CD76180300A1/02/1,Gunnar Optiks,Mad Catz Call of Duty: Black Ops ProGaming Gunnar Optiks Glasses Review.