At the 67th Venice International Film festival, the Persol 3D Jury gave the award for the most creative stereoscopic film of the year to two films:  James Cameron’s “Avatar” and Chris Sander’s “How to Train your Dragon”.  As for Avatar:

As stated by the Jury:
“A landmark in movie history, as well as a technological wonder, Avatar has done more than any previous film to establish both the commercial and the artistic viability of the new three-dimensional cinema. It is no exaggeration to say that with Avatar, James Cameron has succeeded in projecting an entirely new world for viewers to explore in depth”.
How To Train Your Dragon, on the other hand, demonstrates what can be done with 3D. More visceral than other examples of 3D digital animation, How To Train Your Dragon uses stereo filmmaking to provide an exhilarating experience. The viewer has the sensation of soaring through space. Narrative is transcended as gravity is defied”.

via La Biennale di Venezia – Persol 3-D Award for the most creative stereoscopic film of the year.