Raffael Marty of SecViz.org is hosting a talk tomorrow (Aug 19th) at 5pm on uses of Data Visualization in solving security and IT problems.

Over the past years, organizations have collected more and more data and log files within their networks, systems, and cloud environments. Oftentimes, the data ends up being stored and archived without ever being used. This can be attributed to a lack of tools that help process and analyze all the data, but also to the lack of knowledge around data analysis. In this presentation we will explore how we can leverage visualization to uncover hidden problems. We will discuss some common visualization libraries and have a look at how they can be deployed to solve security and IT problems. We will look at a number of visualization examples that show how security data benefits from visual representations. For example, how can network traffic, firewall data, or IDS data be visualized effectively?

You’ll have to register for a BrightTalk account, but looks like a good 45-minute talk to attend.

via Log Visualization in the Cloud | brighttalk.com.