Jon Peddie has a great look at the future of computer graphics (complete with a pic of Dick Van Dyke & William Shatner crashing his luncheon, and my blue shirt poking out behind Shatner’s elbow), that really looks at what’s going to happen in the next few years.

The Semicans will give us the engines at ridiculously affordable prices which in turn will allow the Systematics to build boxes and displays that a new generation of Algorithmics will use to give us procedural AI simple UI tools for things like facial simulation and/or recognition, robotic control in a virtual rig or a hardwired machine, and natural language realtime translation conversations with peers and machine.

Someone should get Jon Peddie up on stage at SIGGRAPH sometime. I think he’ld do better than the disappointing “Future Directions of Graphics Research” panel.

via Leading edge, bleeding edge, or just edgy? – Comments – Publications.