The new SeaWorld commercial shows the work of Fusion CI and NTropic as the fourth wall is torn down in a swirl of turbulent fluid physics created with Fusion’s Krakatoa Particle Physics product.

The challenges in the SeaWorld spot’s production were intense. Shares Mark Stasiuk, Fusion’s Co-Founder and VFX Supervisor, “We had the huge task of doing a significant number of elaborate fluid elements over a commercial production timeframe, and making them look good at HD quality. When creating CG fluids that are moving non-turbulently, you have a lot more leeway with short timeframes because the level of fluid detail is relatively low. This isn’t the case for turbulent, volumetrically rendered fluid like ink in water or smoke. For these cases, it requires detail to sell the scale and level of turbulence – it’s literally the detail in the fluid that makes it realistic.

via CGSociety – SeaWorld.