scenevision3d_121806cropA bit more information about North Carolina State’s new IC-CRIME program is available, discussing how they plan to integrate state-of-the-art scanning hardware with run-of-the-mill gaming software to create an interactive, collaborative forensic research environment.

NC State recently received a $1.4 million grant from the National Science Foundation's Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI) program to help lay a foundation that promotes greater collaboration in the field of forensic science – a platform they call IC-CRIME (interdisciplinary, cyber-enabled crime reconstruction through innovative methodology and engagement).

The IC-CRIME platform will employ the latest in 3-D laser scanning technologies and run on the Unity game engine technology, which powers over 50 commercial games like “FusionFall” and “VooDude.”

via Videogames find ways to help real CSI solve crimes | Technology | Reuters.