If you happen to be in Taiwan attending the Computex show this week, then you might wanna stop by the Supermicro booth to see the new “SuperServer 6016T-GF” system which combines the NVidia Tesla and traditional CPU’s into a single 1U rack.

“Our new Tesla GPU-based SuperServer 6016T-GF Series delivers a much higher performance-per-watt and per-rack than any other 1U solution in the market today,” stated Don Clegg, Vice President of Marketing, Supermicro. “This 2-Teraflop SuperServer meets the most demanding enterprise data center requirements for reliability and manageability.”

A great addendum to our What’s the Big Deal with CUDA & GPGPU Anyway? Article.  A Tesla traditionally offers 4TFlops of power, but by using half a Tesla & Traditional CPU’s, they’ve got a single enclosed 1U solution.

via NVIDIA And Supermicro Shatter 1U Server Performance Record.