displaylink-logo-400pxDisplayLink’s USB Display adapters are pretty popular for situations where you need an extra display or two, but heavy horsepower isn’t a factor.  Cheap, small, and almost limitless in application, one of the bit sticking points has been driver support.  Entirely lacking on Linux systems, DisplayLink has just released a GPL library called “libdlo” capable of communicating with their chips.

This library is an open-source implementation of DisplayLink USB graphics software, and is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) v2.1. This library will discover and connect to DisplayLink USB graphics chips and allow for developers to support DisplayLink devices on Linux and other platforms. libdlo itself doesn’t include any drivers or applications intended for end-users. libdlo currently supports the DisplayLink DL-120 and DL-160 chips (“Alex” family).

via freedesktop.org – Software/libdlo.