Popular Mechanics has an interview with the guys at Dreamworks about the technology used to create the 3D effects in the new Monsters vs Aliens (opening today).

In-house tools, in conjunction with Maya 3D animating software, allow filmmakers to compose—and see how the scene will play out—in real time in the stereo-preview window. “At the desktop we can sit and look with our glasses on and manipulate these different stereo camera rigs and build a stereo scene,” McNally says. “The scene could be put together from two, four, six or eight cameras all working together to create this final result, which is a perfect blend of comfort but also retaining as much stereo volume as we can get. And all of these parameters are animateable as well.”

They also get rather in-depth into how the 3D effect is achieved (interaxial distance & parallax distortion).

Monsters vs. Aliens 3D – Behind the Scenes 3D Technology with Monsters vs Aliens – Popular Mechanics.